Ever since Kiccha Sudeep announced that he would direct and act in the Kannada remake of the Telugu hit Mirchi, there’s been a lot of speculation about the rest of the cast of the film. The actor had earlier said that he was looking at collaborating with his Just Math Mathali co-star Ramya again, which she has confirmed as well. While it remains unclear if Sudeep and Ramya will indeed work together in this film, it has been confirmed that Crazy Star Ravichandaran is on board too, with sources telling us that he will be playing Sudeep’s father in the film.
Soon enough, the buzz in the industry was about who would play Ravichandaran’s partner in the film. “The makers have approached Bollywood actress Juhi Chawla for the role, given that she made her film debut opposite Ravichandaran in the Kannada film Prema Loka,” says a source. While Ravichandaran feigned ignorance about this casting when TOI spoke to him, the actress herself told us that an offer had been tabled. “Yes, I have been offered a film with Ravichandaran, but I haven’t signed up yet, as I’m not very sure. It is a lovely film, no doubt, but the role is to play the mother of the hero,” says Juhi.