Talking to ANI, Swamy said that the incident is against patriotism, adding that if the Defence Minister does not clarify her stand by January 2 on the issue, then he will raise the matter in the house of the Parliament.
“I am wondering why Nirmala Sitharamana has not given any clarification. Do we take her silence to mean yes. If it is then it is truly against party policies, the sentiment of the people of India and against patriotism,” Swamy said.
“I have decided that if she doesn’t give a clarification by the morning of February 2, then I will raise the issue in the house,” he added.
This comes after Jammu and Kashmir police filed an FIR against the army unit involved in the Shopian firing. As per reports the Chief Minister Mufti, on the floor of the state assembly, even said that she has discussed the issue with Sitharaman, who asked her to go ahead with the FIR in case of ‘carelessness’ by the army.
Earlier on Tuesday, Swamy tore into Mehbooba Mufti-led government for filing a case against the army saying, ”What’s this nonsense? Dismiss that government. Tell Mehbooba (Mufti) to withdraw the FIR else her government would be toppled.”
He further questioned as to why the Centre is not breaking its alliance with the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Jammu and Kashmir.
Three civilians died and several others were injured in a firing, after an army patrol party came under heavy stone pelting from a mob in Shopian’s Ganowpora village.