Actor and BJP leader Suresh Gopi’s daughter Bhagya Suresh got married today in one of the biggest weddings of the Malayalam film industry at the Guruvayur temple. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Mammootty, Mohanlal, Jayaram and Dileep were among the famous personalities present at the event. The pictures of the wedding are now going viral on social media.
Modi, who presided over the ceremony, gave garlands to the bride and groom. It was Modi who ‘gave away’ the bride to the groom. After attending the wedding ceremony of Bhagya Suresh, the Prime Minister congratulated the 10 brides and grooms who are getting married next. Bhagya’s groom is Shreyas Mohan, a native of Mavelikara and a businessman. Both of them got engaged in July.
Bhagya arrived in a simple look on her wedding day. The bride wore an orange coloured saree with a golden finishing touch. Her orange coloured blouse was rich with works. Bhagya wore a choker and ‘jimiki’ earrings. Her groom Shreyas Mohan’s wore a ‘kasavumund’ and ‘melmund’.Modi attended the wedding ceremony after visiting the Guruvayur temple in the morning. After this he also visited Thriprayar temple. The Prime Minister offered Meenoot at Thriprayar Temple and also participated in the ‘Vedacharan’ of Vedic students.