Thiruvananthapuram: Revenue Minister K Rajan on Monday said that no person should expect that the government would repeat relaxation given to Babu over illegally trespassing to the protected forest range. Babu, the 23-year-old youth who got stuck in a crevice on the steep hills of Cheradu in Malampuzha was rescued by the army. The minister said that a committee convened by the district collector will be formed to avoid unnecessary travel to Cheradu Hill.
On February 7, Babu was trapped in Kurmbachimala in Cheradu. He was stranded for 45 hours and was rescued on Wednesday by a group of army mountaineers. It is estimated that half a crore rupees were spent on this alone.Earlier, there were reports that action would be taken against Babu for trespassing into the protected forest area. However, the government had withdrawn from taking action at the request of Babu’s mother.
Meantime, a man was trapped on the same hill on Sunday. The locals informed the forest rangers after they saw a torchlight on the top of the hill on Sunday night. Following this, he was rescued around 12.30 pm after a combined effort from forest officials, firefighters and locals.
There was an increase in the number of people arriving in the area for trekking. The locals have voiced their concern over this. The locals are demanding punishment to prevent such incidents from happening again.