Mumbai: Stocks tripped over the growing worries about rise in interest rates and a global rout in equities on Friday, with the benchmark Sensex falling over 1 per cent to close at a one-month low and the broader Nifty crashing below the 10,500 level.The 30-share Sensex closed lower by 407.40 points or 1.18 per cent at 34,005.76. This is the weakest closing since January 4 when it had ended at 33,969.64.
The broad-based Nifty fell by 121.90 points or 1.15 per cent to end at 10,454.95.On weekly basis, the BSE Sensex recorded a steep fall of 1,060.99 points or 3.02 per cent while the broader Nifty lost 305.65 points or 2.84 per cent — their worst weekly fall since August.
“Trend in global interest rates and the subsequent impact on inflation, global economic growth as well as flow of funds, influenced investor sentiment through the week,” Karthikraj Lakshmanan, Senior Fund Manager Equities, BNP Paribas Mutual Fund.
“A second straight weekly decline in jobless claims in the US pointed to a strong job growth momentum in the economy, thus perpetuating fears of higher inflation and consequently faster rate hikes in the US.”
Rising global rates are likely to impact the flow of funds to riskier assets like emerging markets, experts said.