Sreeja was on cloud nine when she received the appointment recommendation from the Kottayam PSC office on Friday. Her happiness marks the victory of the struggle of a poor housewife who managed to get back the job that was snatched away from her through cheating. Someone had snatched her assistant salesman job using a fake forged consent form. Following this, she filed a complaint and got her job back through legal a battle.
Last day, Sreeeja received a message on her phone asking her to go to the Kottayam district office of the PSC and collect the appointment recommendation. She received the recommendation in the presence of District Officer S Shailakumari on Friday. She will receive the appointment order from the Civil Supplies District Office by Monday.S. Sreeja, a native of Cheriyamulakkal in Pathanamthitta, was ranked 233rd in the Civil Supplies Assistant Salesman ranklist published on May 30, 2018. However, another person from Mynagappally, of the same name and age, gave a fake consent form saying no to the job. Due to this, Sreeja lost her chance and those candidates behind her received the jobs. The Mynagappally
native, an employee of the Revenue Department, had not written the assistant salesman examination. She later told the officials that she could not remember about this exam as she had written a lot of exams at that time. She also said that signed the consent form as told by the office bearer of the rank holders association. The rank list also expired in August. Thus, Sreeja almost lost her job despite being eligible for it. However, she was not ready to give up. She waged a constant legal battle following which the PSC started an investigation into the matter. The PSC, which got convinced of the truth, then decided to consider Sreeja for the job. Kottayam DySP is still investigating the matter.