THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The CBI inspected the MLA hostel in connection with the solar sexual abuse case. The inspection was being carried out in room 34 of the Nila block, used by Hibi Eden when he was MLA.
The complaint is that the MLA sexually abused the complainant at the hostel. The complaint said the incident happened in 2013-14. The investigating officials along with the complainant arrived at the hostel around 11 am. This room is now occupied by another MLA.
Hibi Eden had earlier responded that leaving the solar case to the CBI was politically motivated. The complainant had written to the chief minister seeking a CBI probe against six leaders including Oommen Chandy, K C Venugopal, Adoor Prakash, A P Abdullakutty, A P Anil Kumar and Hibi Eden. The case was referred to the CBI on the basis of this complaint.