A new Twitter project urges users to support Indian textiles and craftsmanship. Smriti Irani, Union Cabinet Minister of Textiles sparked off a fashion-conscious hashtag, when she took to Twitter an hour ago and shared a picture of herself in a blue handwoven drape.
Highlighting the thought behind it, Irani said in a statement: “The handloom industry is among the top employment generators in India after agriculture. More than 43 lakh weavers and allied workers are engaged in it, 78% of them being women. #IWearHandloom is a campaign to show support to a community which weaves the diverse fabric of our nation’s rich heritage and bring international fame to our nation. It is a tribute to women who contribute to 15% of cloth production in India and 95% of world handloom production, it is saying thank you for their hardwork and dedication for keeping our traditions alive. Upload a picture wearing handloom on Facebook or Twitter and use the #IWearHandloom to show support.”
The Fashion Design Council of India is supporting the campaign. FDCI’s president, Sunil Sethi, showed his allegiance to handloom too. “With more and more fashion designers recognising the value of handwoven textiles and more buyers finding them relevant, the time is right to set the stage for a grander spectacle,” says Sethi.