Shah Rukh Khan was last seen in Aanand L Rai’s film ‘Zero’ which also featured Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma but the film failed to impress the audience. Since then SRK hasn’t signed any film yet and during a recent media interaction, he revealed the reason behind it.
In a report by Filmfare, SRK talked about his professional life saying “I have no film with me right now. I am not working on any film. Usually what happens is when your one film is coming to an end, you begin work on your next film and I get involved within 3-4 months. But this time I am just not feeling like. My heart doesn’t allow me to, I just felt that I should rather take time out, watch films, listen to stories and read more books. Even my kids are in their college stage, my daughter is going to college and my son is about to finish his studies. So I just want to spend more time with my family.”