In an embarrassment to Aam Aadmi Party, its MLA Vinod Kumar Binny on Wednesday attacked the Arvind Kejriwal-led Delhi government, accusing it of deviating from the “promises” made to the people ahead of the election.
Binny, who had publicly displayed his unhappiness after failing to get a place in the Cabinet, said there has been a “lot of difference” between what AAP had promised during the election campaign and what is being done now.
“There is a lot of difference between what AAP promised and how the government is now working. I will divulge all these things in a press conference tomorrow to ensure accountability and transparency in the party,” the Laxmi Nagar MLA told reporters.
He had showed his displeasure when he was left out of the government in December.
When his response was sought on Binny’s attack on the government, chief minister Arvind Kejriwal said the MLA first demanded that be made a minister and then wanted to contest the Lok Sabha polls.
“There’s nothing I can do about what he is saying. First, he had come for ministership, we refused. After that, he wanted to contest the Lok Sabha polls. He came to my house to ask for the ticket. The party has decided that all sitting MLAs would not be given tickets for the Lok Sabha polls,” the chief minister said.
Kejriwal said there was a meeting of all 70 candidates who contested the Delhi polls but the MLA did not raise a single point in the meeting.
“I do not know what his intentions are and I do not even want to get into them. We are the most sensitive government towards resolving issues. We welcome criticism, be it from the public, media or BJP,” he said.
Binny said he was not upset over not becoming a minister and wanted to raise issues in public interest.
“I am not upset over anything. The party is deviating from the main issues. Hence, it is important for us to make them realise that we are in the party for its cause and the issues it raised,” the MLA said.