PALAKKAD: BJP leader Sandeep Varier on Thursday made serious allegations against actress Nimisha Sajayan. In a post on Facebook, he alleged that the state’s GST Intelligence Unit had found that the actress had concealed income of more than Rs.1 crore and 14 lakhs. He has also released evidence to validate this.
Sandeep’s post contains the investigation report of the GST Joint Commissioner of the State, which states that Nimisha Sajayan has evaded tax of Rs 20.65 lakh and the investigation is ongoing. Earlier today, the BJP leader said he will release the document regarding the tax evasion of a leading Malayalam movie star at 12 noon.
“The state GST intelligence department has found that prominent actress Nimisha Sajayan has hidden income of more than Rs.1 crore and 14 lakhs. After receiving intelligence about Nimisha’s fraud, the GST department summoned her and Nimisha’s mother Anandavalli S Nair appeared. She admitted that there was an error in documenting the income. But when the records were checked, the state GST department found that Nimisha Sajayan had hidden her income. I’m now releasing the investigation report of the state GST Joint Commissioner (IB), which states that Nimisha Sajayan has evaded tax of Rs 20.65 lakh and the investigation is ongoing.
The same people who cooked up controversy when I asked the new generation filmmakers of the state to be careful about paying their taxes are the ones who have failed to pay taxes. It cannot be called political rivalry. It is the state GST department that found Nimisha Sajayan has evaded taxes.”, Sandeep Facebook post reads.