Chathanoor: Film star and serial actor Priyanka is being interrogated in connection with the bomb attack conspired by EMCC president and Democratic Social Justice party candidate from Kundara Shiju Varghese on the eve of the election day. Chathanoor assistant police commissioner directed Priyanka to appear for quizzing based on the evidence of the telephonic talk between the actor and Shiju Varghese.
EMCC president and two others were remanded in police custody in the bomb attack case. First the police investigated the bomb attack on Kundara independent candidate Shiju Varghese but it took a new turn with police arresting him saying Shiju himself had staged the attack.
Priyanka was the candidate of DSJP from Aroor. Though Priyanka in a statement had said that she had only telephonic contacts with Shiju as a party candidate and activist and had met him only twice, she has no connection with the bomb attack in Kundara.
The Police version: Priyanka was staying at Palarivattom in Ernakulam. Broker Nandakumar, who is president of the governing body of Mahadeva temple, met Priyanka at the temple and befriended her. He wanted Priyanka to contest as party candidate and the party will take care of funds for campaigning. Hence she contested from Aroor. Nandakumar transferred Rs 1.5 lakh to the account of Priyanka’s manager Jayakumar, who is also a party worker. But the total expense touched Rs 4 lakh and the balance amount was borrowed, according to Priyanka’s statement.
Shiju Varghese had contested against former minister Mercykutty Amma in Kundara.
Priyanka said that she came to know Shiju himself was the accused in the bomb attack through media reports. She does not have any direct information about the incident. There was no situation to know more about Shiju Varghese or about his family, Priyanka said.
Priyanka also added that as a candidate she underwent mental stress and at one time wanted to withdraw her candidature. But she did not do it unable to cause trouble to her supporters who stood by her.