KANNUR: Kannur University has brushed aside the UGC’s stance regarding the appointment of Priya Varghese, wife of Chief Minister’s Private Secretary KK Ragesh. The university stated that Priya Varghese has the required qualifications for the post of associate professor and she was considered based on this. The explanation is in the affidavit filed by the registrar in the court.
Priya Varghese had earlier filed an affidavit in the High Court denying the allegations in the petition that she was not eligible to be appointed as an associate professor in Kannur University. Priya was ranked first in the provisional rank list prepared by the university for the appointment of associate professor.
The petition filed by Joseph Scaria, a Malayalam teacher of Changanassery SB College, ranked second in the list, is in the High Court. The petition claims that Priya does not have any qualifications including teaching experience. The petitioner’s allegation is that the period during which Priya went for PhD studies and the period when she was the Director of Student Services on deputation were considered as teaching experience which is against the guidelines of the UGC.
The UGC also informed the court that Priya’s research period cannot be considered as teaching experience and is not eligible as per rules. The High Court will consider the petition again today.