Kochi: Maradu police recorded the arrest of actor Sreenath Bhasi in the case of allegedly misbehaving with a journalist. Meanwhile, he is likely to be summoned by the producers’ association in view of the complaint lodged by the journalist.
He was asked to appear in Maradu police station at 10 am on Monday. However, he requested more time to turn up at the station. He arrived at the station only after noon with his friends. The interrogation of the actor is proceeding.
The case has been registered on grounds of insulting modesty of a woman. An anchor of an online channel alleged Sreenath Bhasi of using foul language at her during a promotional video interview of his latest movie. The anchor had filed a complaint at the women’s commission also.
In response to the case, Sreenath Bhasi defended himself by claiming that he had not used any abusive words at the complainant. It was only a reaction to the misconduct towards him, he said.He can secure default bail in the case from the station.