Jammu: In Jammu and Kashmir Pakistani troops violated the ceasefire yet again this morning in Hamirpur and Mendhar areas of Poonch district when they started unprovoked firing, targeting Indian forward posts. According to Defence Spokesperson Col. R.K. Palta, the firing by Pak troops started at 8.30 am tthis morning with Pak troops using automatic weapons and firing mortars. Indian troops have retaliated to the Pak firing which is going on.
Earlier, Pak troops targeted Indian forward posts in the same area last night. Firing by Pak troops last night began at 9.05 pm and continued till morning today. However, there was no loss of life or injury to any one from the Indian side. From August 6, there has been an increase in frequency with 24 violations taking place including the tragedy in which five soldiers were killed in Poonch by Pakistani troops. Meanwhile, the Army yesterday recovered a huge cache of arms and ammunition from a militant hideout in Mahore area of Reasi district of Jammu division. It included an AK 47 rifle, 40 rounds of AK ammunition, Two AK magazines and 36 rounds of PIKA . However, no one was arrested from the hideout.