NEW DELHI: NEW DELHI: India on Wednesday launched ‘Operation Ajay’ to bring back its citizens stuck in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.“Launching #OperationAjay to facilitate the return from Israel of our citizens who wish to return. Special charter flights and other arrangements being put in place. Fully committed to the safety and well-being of our nationals abroad,” tweeted External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar.
Meanwhile, the Embassy of India in Israel informed that it has emailed the first lot of registered Indian citizens for the special flight on Thursday.
“The Embassy has emailed the first lot of registered Indian citizens for the special flight tomorrow. Messages to other registered people will follow for subsequent flights,” tweeted the Indian Embassy on social media platform X.
This is not the first time that India has launched such operations to bring back its citizens from the war zone, pandemics and natural calamities.
Earlier, it had launched a ‘multi-pronged’ initiative named ‘Operation Ganga’ to assist Indian evacuation from Ukraine where around 20,000 Indians including students were stuck in Ukraine.