THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Renowned actor Kochu Preman aka KS Prem Kumar (68) passed away in a private hospital in Thiruvananthapuram. He was being treated for a respiratory illness. Kochu Preman’s first film, which was released in 1979, was Ezhu Nirangal. He acted in more than 250 films like Dilliwala Rajkumaran, Irattakkuttikalude Achan, Thilakkam, Guru, Chhota Mumbai, Kalyanaraman, etc. His wife is Girija Preman who is also an actress. Harikrishnan is his son.
Kochu Preman’s spontaneous acting style and voice set him apart from other actors and he excelled in several roles given to him. Kochu Preman was a part of all the prominent theatre groups in Kerala. He has acted in many teleserials.