AYODHYA: Lord Ram has finally reached Ayodhya after his long penance, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi from the podium set up on the temple premises of the historic Ram Temple. He was speaking at a gathering held after the Ram Temple Prana Pratishtha ceremony. PM Modi was jubilant as he earmarked January 22 as a historic date that generations even after centuries will talk about.
“The nation will remember this day for all time to come. This is a critical moment. Ram Lalla is no longer in the tent but in the divine temple. A new era has dawned with this. The legal battle over Rama’s existence had been going on for decades. I would like to express my gratitude to the Judiciary of India for delivering justice.” PM Modi said.
“ I am asking for forgiveness from Lord Ram for delaying this long to build his abode. Ram is energy, not fire, Ram is the solution, not the dispute and Ram is not just for one community but for all. Some people said that building Ram Mandir would trigger a riot. Those are people who don’t know anything about the purity of the nation” said PM Modi.
The dedication of the Ramlalla idol at the Ram Temple was held in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other dignitaries. The Prime Minister reached the temple around 12.10 pm. Modi led the consecration ceremony as he entered the Garbhagriha with a crown in his hand.