Newdelhi: Both the Houses of Parliament were adjourned for one hour till noon on different issues. As soon as the Lok Sabha met for the day BJP members raised the issue of violence in Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir. Raising the matter, Yogi Adityanath alleged that the state has moved back to 1990 situation, where the minority community was compelled to migrate to other places. He said in the recent violence, anti-India posters were displayed during the processions.
Mr Lal Singh of the Congress pleaded with the government to enhance the compensation to victims saying two lakh rupees is not adequate. Displaying newspaper clippings, Left Front members wanted the withdrawal of Border Security Force from Kerala. Yashwant Sinha of the BJP alleged that a highly connected person in the country is making money and advising people to earn money without investment. Some Congress members took strong exception to his allegation and trooped into the well of House, forcing its adjournment till noon.
The Rajya Sabha witnessed noisy scenes as soon as it assembled for the day. The BJP members were on their feet raising slogans against a businessman for his involvement in the land deals in Haryana. Several treasury bench members countered the opposition allegations. Taking note of the situation, Chairman Mohammed Hamid Ansari regretted that every single rule in the Rule Book and etiquette has been violated by members in the House. Before adjourning, the
Chairman observed if MPs wish to make this House a federation of anarchists, it is a different matter.