COIMBATORE; The NIA conducted a raid in Palakkad in connection with the Coimbatore blast case. The NIA team reached Muthalamada Chappakad near Kollengode early Thursday morning. The team arrived at the house of Sheikh Musthafa, a native of Coimbatore and residing in Muthalamada, and confiscated digital gadgets and some documents. Musthafa is the relative of Riyas Aboobacker arrested for his ISIS connection. It is being examined whether he has any connection with the blast. The raid in Palakkad lasted for three hours.
The NIA had conducted an extensive raid in Tamil Nadu this morning over the car blast in Coimbatore. The investigating ream conducted the raid from early morning in 45 places including Coimbatore. This is the biggest raid conducted after taking over the investigation.
The investigating team conducted the raid at the homes of those who were already under the surveillance of intelligence agencies based on the information available from the associates of Jamesha Mubeen, who died in the bomb blast. The raids took place on homes and establishments of suspected ISIS sympathizers. A number of houses were searched near Ukkadam in Coimbatore where the blast took place. Raids were also conducted in Kodaimedu, Kaniyamuthur and Selvapuram. The state armed police team provided heavy security at all places where the raids were conducted.