KOLKATA: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has intensified investigation to find the cars of actress Arpita Mukherjee, arrested along with former West Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee in a job scam case. Arpita’s four cars suddenly disappeared. The ED officials said there were bundles of notes worth crores in the car. An Audi, two Honda cars and a Benz are missing. The officials believe that the cars may have shifted at the behest of Partha Chatterjee and Arpita. The ED is checking the CCTV visuals to locate the cars. It is not clear if any evidence has been obtained.
In the meanwhile, reports said apart from cash and gold bars, a collection of sex toys were recovered from her flat. This was found in a detailed search in the flat. She will be questioned on it. The investigators are trying to find out from where the sex toys were obtained in the wake of allegations against the political leadership in connection with the operation of the immoral centres. Meanwhile, Bengali actress Srilekha Mitra has come forward harshly criticising Partha Chatterjee in this regard. She said that these might have been given to fulfil the imagination of Partha Chatterjee. Many reports hint that these were given by Partha Chatterjee himself.