Maruti Stingray launched at Rs. 4.10 lakh

Looking to beat the slowdown blues, India’s largest carmaker Maruti Suzuki India today launched compact car Stingray, priced at Rs. 4,10,000 (ex-showroom Delhi).”With Stingray, we carry forward our focus to make our best sellers even more attractive,” managing director and CEO Kenichi Ayukawa said.


The Stingray, which is powered by a 998 cc petrol engine, is available in three variants, with price ranging between Rs. 4,10,000 and Rs. 4,67,000.
In July, the company posted 10.88 per cent increase in its passenger car sales at 63,040 units.Car sales in India had fallen for a record ninth month in a row in July, posting a 7.4 per cent decline.

According to the latest data released by the SIAM, domestic passenger car sales declined to 1,31,163 units in July this year from 1,41,646 units in the same month of 2012.