New Delhi: Karnataka Janata Dal (Secular) MLA HD Revanna has been taken into custody by a Special Investigation Team in a kidnapping case. He was taken into custody at the residence of his father and former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda’s in Padmanabha Nagar. The police action comes after the court rejected Revanna’s anticipatory bail plea. Earlier, the police had issued a look-out notice against Revanna and his son Prajwal Revanna in a sexual assault case.
Earlier, the kidnapped victim was rescued from farmhouse of Revanna’s close assistant Rajasekhar in Kalenahalli in Hunsur Taluk after the SIT conducted a rescue operation to find her. The case alleges that Prajwal Revanna, the sitting MP of Hasan and HD Revanna’s son, had abducted the mother of a native of KR Nagar, who had filed a sexual assault complaint against him. According to the complaint, Babanna, a native of Hasan and Revanna’s relative, kidnapped her mother on Revanna’s instructions. Revanna is the first accused and Satish Babanna is the second accused in the case.
Revanna was asked to appear for questioning on Friday in the sexual assault case, but he did not turn up. The special investigation team had issued a look-out notice against Prajwal Revanna in the case the other day. Prajwal may be arrested at the airport as soon as he arrives from Germany. Meanwhile, Revanna, who was taken into custody, will be taken to Bengaluru by the special investigation team.