THIRUVANNATHAPURAM: The court rejected the bail plea of Jithin, accused in the AKG Centre attack case. The Thiruvananthapuram First Class Magistrate Court rejected his bail plea. Jithin’s lawyer told media that they will approach the high court.The prosecution asked the court that if bail is granted to Jithin, who was involved in cases earlier also, will influence the witnesses and hence bail should not be granted. The prosecution informed the court that a chemical containing potassium chloride was thrown at the AKG centre. It was from such a small explosion that hundreds of people lost their lives in the Puttingal tragedy. The prosecution argued in the court that Jithin had committed an offense of such magnitude and therefore he should not be granted bail. However, the defence argued that Jithin, an ordinary man, cannot influence witnesses or destroy evidence and should be granted bail. The defence also argued that despite taking him into custody, the police have not been able to collect any evidence.
Meantime, the crime branch said the T shirt which the accused was wearing when he attacked the AKG centre was abandoned at the Veli lake. The police took him into custody to find the T shirt, shoes and scooter used at the time of the attack. The police in the report submitted in the court said the shoes were found from the place where he confessed to the crime. It is not clear from where the shoes were found.