A high level meeting was held on Tuesday by Union Home Minister Amit Shah with the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Anil Baijal, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, the Delhi Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik, Director of Intelligence Bureau Arvind Kumar, and several other officials to review the situation in the aftermath of violence in northeast Delhi.
The meeting was held late on Monday night after the home minister returned from Ahmedabad, where he had attended the ‘Namaste Trump’.
Following the meeting, chief minister Arvind Kejriwal briefed the media and spoke about the measures taken by the government to curb and stop the violence. All necessary steps to stop the violence were discussed with the home minister, he said.
He further noted that Delhi police have been asked to maintain peace and deploy adequate forces to maintain law and order.
Amit Shah stated that all steps were being taken by the home ministry to bring peace and asked that forces deploy as much personnel as needed to maintain the peace. He further added that all parties have been asked to cooperate to ensure peace and tranquillity in Delhi.
The ongoing protests against the CAA turned violent on Monday after two opposing groups clashed in northeast Delhi. A head constable was among four people killed and at least 50 others, including several paramilitary and Delhi Police personnel, were injured.
After reviewing the situation of the national capital, the home minister had called a high level meeting to discuss the steps to deal with the situation and bring peace and harmony in the area and elsewhere in the city.
BJP state chief Manoj Tiwari also told the media that the home minister has appealed to the political parties to cooperate in maintaining peace in Delhi.