Kannur: Police found two steel bombs in a vacant plot in Koothuparamba on Saturday. The bombs, found near the roadside at Kinattintaevida in the Ambilad region, are highly explosive according to police reports. They were uncovered during an inspection conducted by Koothuparamba Police in the wake of a bomb-related killing in the district’s Eranholi region.
In Thalassery’s Eranholi, an 80-year-old man, Velayudhan, was killed in a bomb explosion the other day. The explosion occurred when he went to collect coconuts in the plot adjacent to his house. The bomb detonated when he opened an object he found in the plot, unaware that it was a bomb.
Following this incident, police intensified inspections in various parts of the district. Major searches were conducted in Koothuparamba, Thalassery, Mahe, and Mattannur. The inspections were led by five bomb squads, including those from Kozhikode, Kannur, and Kasaragod districts. It was during these inspections that the bombs were found.