THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Health Minister Veena George said the government will not allow hotel employees without health cards to work from February 1st onwards. The minister said safe food is our goal and checking will be tightened in the state. If a fake health card is made, the medical council will take action including cancellation of registration, added the minister.
‘The condition of those undergoing treatment for food poisoning is stable. The license of the hotel has been suspended. The food safety department has been directed to conduct necessary inspections to take further action. The commissioner has taken steps accordingly.’
It has been made mandatory for everyone working in hotels and restaurants to have a health card. Establishments with employees without health cards will not be allowed to operate from February 1 onwards. If a fake health card is given, the medical council will take steps to cancel the registration. It has been decided to conduct an inspection along with the labour department at places where the employees reside together. The cleanliness and conditions here will be examined. Special training will be given to people including health inspectors,’ the minister said.