Kochi: The Kerala high court directed that filmmaker Aisha Sultana, who was booked on sedition charges in Lakshadweep, should appear at Kavaratti police station on Sunday. The court also directed that she should be granted interim bail on a bond of Rs 50,000 if she is arrested.
Meanwhile, the high court also postponed the anticipatory bail plea filed by Aisha, for pronouncing the verdict. Adv P Vijayabhanu appeared in the court on behalf of Aisha. The advocate made it clear in the court that Aisha made the ‘bioweapon’ remark by mistake and apologised as soon as she realised it.
Aisha was directed to appear at Kavaratti police station on Sunday by 4.30 pm. Even if she is arrested, Aisha can be interrogated in the presence of her lawyer only. The interim order is valid for a week.
Aisha stated in the court that she did not intend any hate speech but only criticised the administration. Section 124-A does not exist in the issue, she further argued. Aisha also requested the court to examine the recent stands taken by the top court on sedition charges.
Meanwhile, the Lakshadweep administration opposed bail plea of Aisha Sultana alleging she intended a hate speech. She repeated in the channel discussion that the central government used bioweapon in the island. The administration also urged that she should cooperate with the probe.