THRISSUR: A grand reception was accorded to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Thrissur. Along with Modi, BJP state president K Surendran and Suresh Gopi attended the road show from Swaraj Round to Naikkanal. The Prime Minister will address around two lakh women at Thekkinkad Maidan. A tight security has been imposed in the city.Modi came to Kerala to participate in the programme ‘Sthree Shakthi Modikkoppam’ (woman power with Modi). Actress Shobhana, Mariyakutty who carried out a protest with an earthen pot for welfare pension, Indian Olympic Association President P T Usha, Malayalee player of Indian women’s cricket team Minnumani and singer Vaikom Vijayalakshmi are attending the event.Shobana said that Modi’s leadership is being looked forward to. Modi, arrived at Nedumbassery Airport in a special flight from Agathy reached Thrissur via helicopter.
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