Kochi: The prime accused in the Kerala gold smuggling case, Swapna Suresh, who got bail early this month on Tuesday, got further relaxations and was allowed to go out of Ernakulam district.Swapna, who is resident of the capital district, can now travel outside of Ernakulam district, but she cannot travel outside the state, according to the new relaxation in her bail conditions. It was after almost 16 months in jail, she got bail from the Kerala High Court on November 2.
The bail came in the case registered against her by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and since she had secured bail in other cases registered against her, she was able to come out of prison early this month.
The smuggling case came to light on July 5, 2020, when the Customs arrested Sarith, a former employee of the UAE Consulate here, for allegedly smuggling gold in a diplomatic baggage destined for the Consulate.
Swapna Suresh, who previously worked in the UAE Consulate, and her associate Sandeep Nair were arrested in the case by the NIA from Bengaluru a few days later.