In its opinion sent to President Ram Nath Kovind on Friday morning, the Election Commission said the MLAs, by occupying the post of parliamentary secretaries between March 13, 2015 and September 8, 2016, held office of profit, and were liable to be disqualified as legislators, highly-placed sources said
The President is bound to go by the recommendation of the Commission. Under the rules, petitions to the President seeking disqualification of lawmakers are referred to the ECThe poll panel takes a decision and sends its recommendation to the Rashtrapati Bhavan which is accepted
In the present case, the petition was made to disqualify 21 MLAs, but one resigned a few months back
Once the President accepts the opinion, by-elections will have to be held for the 20 Assembly seats
The AAP has a massive majority in the 70-member Delhi assembly with 65 seats, and the impending disqualification will not endanger the Arvind Kejriwal government though the number of party MLAs will come down to 45
An angry AAP said the Election Commission had never “touched this low”, and insinuated that the prime minister was behind the action”The EC should not be the letter box of the PMO. But that is the reality today,” AAP leader Ashutosh tweeted