The Election Commission has imposed restrictions on BJP MP and Union Minister Maneka Gandhi as well as Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan for objectionable comments made during their speeches. They both have been found guilty of violating the Model Code of Conduct. Maneka Gandhi has been barred from campaigning for 48 hours and Azam Khan has been barred from campaigning for 72 hours from 10 am on April 16, 2019.
While Maneka was barred for asking Muslims in Pilibhit, her constituency, to vote for her if they wanted jobs, Khan was banned for making objectionable remarks against actor-turned-politician Jaya Prada, his BJP opponent in Rampur.
In its notice, the Election Commission mentioned that Azam Khan had similarly been censured before the 2014 General Elections as well and stated, “Azam Khan has not changed his way of campaigning and he is still indulging in using very objectionable language in election campaigning.”