NEW DELHI: Swati Maliwal, the chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women, has filed a notice for the Delhi cyber cell seeking registration of an FIR against ‘Shaktimaan’ actor Mukesh Khanna for his misogynistic comments. In a video on his YouTube channel, Khanna could be seen saying in Hindi, “Those girls who ask for sex from a male are not girls, they are doing ‘Dhanda’ (business), because a girl from a good society will never do these type of shameless talks, and if she does then she is not from a good society, that’s her ‘Dhanda’ (business), you don’t participate in it”.
After being criticized, Khanna came out with an explanation. The actor responded that he did not talk about the general relationship between men and women but tried to create awareness among the youth about sex rackets. The actor said that there are incidents of blackmailing innocent men and he receives messages from social media accounts of young women offering sex.
Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna faced intense backlash on social media after the video went viral on social media.
Though Mukesh has put brakes on his acting career, he is well known for his role in the Tv show ‘Shaktimaan. He is also quite an active social media user and currently has 1.15 million subscribers on YouTube.
Mukesh has now collaborated with Sony Pictures for a new reboot version of ‘Shaktimaan’.