Kochi: Crime branch officials revealed that 12 WhatsApp chats linking actor Dileep and others in the conspiracy case have been destroyed.The officials alleged that chats were destroyed a day before the phones were officially submitted to the court. However, the crime branch has sought the help of forensic lab to retrieve the lost data. A forensic report will be submitted to the crime branch within two days.
According to officials, on January 30, between 1.36 pm and 2.32 pm, 12 WhatsApp chats were destroyed. These are believed to be WhatsApp messages or calls. The investigation team also suspects that these WhatsApp chats are crucial evidence related to the case. The crime branch is also planning to check the phones at the central lab in Chandigarh to recover the destroyed information.
Earlier, the crime branch had found that the information in phones was destroyed with the help of a lab in Mumbai.
According to the Crime Branch, four phones were sent by courier to Mumbai for this purpose. Later, Dileep’s lawyer retrieved the phone from the lab after the court demanded to produce the phones in court. Dileep’s lawyer took the phones from Mumbai. It is learned that the crime branch team successfully recovered some information destroyed from the phones.