ALUVA: Circle inspector Sudheer, accused in the suicide of law student Mofiya Parveen, is continuing in service with political support, said her mother Fariza. She said that her daughter’s husband Suhail came to the station along with a DYFI leader.
‘Mofiya had told me that Suhail came along with a DYFI leader. On the other hand, she didn’t know who it was. They pictured my daughter as a mental patient. She was taken to the doctor when they said that she was mentally ill. However, the doctor then said that her husband Suhail needs counselling.
The doctor told us not to leave her with him. She hoped that everything would end well. She was upset after he pronounced Muthalaq. She came to know that he would get married again in three months. She had begged him not to leave her,’ said Fariza.