AHMEDABAD: Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has launched ‘Choose Your CM’ initiative for the people to select the party’s CM candidate in Gujarat. AAP candidates for Gujarat were announced earlier and is cooking up strategies to oust the ruling BJP in the state.The Delhi Chief Minister, who is campaigning strongly in the state by organizing rallie gives an array of promises like free electricity and better education.
“People want change. They want relief from inflation, unemployment etc. A year ago, these people (BJP) changed the Chief Minister. Why did they replace Vijay Rupani with Bhupendra Patel? Does this mean there was something wrong with Vijay Rupani? When they brought in Vijay Rupani, they didn’t ask the public. The decision was taken from Delhi. In a democracy, the people should decide who should be the chief minister. You (BJP) did not ask people for their opinion in 2016 and 2021.”
“Such a practice is not followed in AAP, where the party asks people to decide as to who they want to see as their chief minister. We asked the people who they want to be the Chief Minister of Punjab. Aam Aadmi Party is going to form the government in Gujarat too. So, you have to say who should be the chief minister.”, – Kejriwal said in a press conference.