THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The government issued an order sanctioning Rs 8.5 lakh in salary arrears to Kerala State Youth Commission (KSYC) chairperson Chintha Jerome following a letter from her to Principal Secretary M Sivashankar. This contradicts previous claims made by the KSYC chairperson. On 22 August 2022, this letter was forwarded by M Sivashankar for further action. Based on this, the arrears were sanctioned and the order was issued.
Chintha will get 17 months’ salary from January 2017 to May 2018 with a retrospective effect. The order also states that the arrears are allowed as requested by Chintha Jerome. The government has granted the dues in the midst of a severe financial crisis and stringent cost-cutting measures. As this become controversial, Chinta challenged the media to release the letter. She is yet to respond after the letter came out.