New Delhi : Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan said on Thursday that the Indian government is making every effort to bring back Kerala woman Nimisha Priya, who has been awarded a death sentence in Yemen, to India safely.”After the capital punishment awarded to Nimisha Priya, the government of India is making every effort to bring her back safely. The appellate court had upheld the verdict of the lower court. We have now decided that we will go to the Supreme Court against this appellate court judgment,” Muraleedharan said.
Meanwhile, the family of Nimisha and “Save Nimisha Priya – International Action Council” members met Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and opposition leader VD Satheesan seeking support to save her.Nimisha, a nurse from Kerala stands accused of the murder of Talal Abdo Mahdi, a Yemeni national, who died in July 2017 after she allegedly injected him with sedatives to get to her passport that was in his possession. Nimisha had alleged abuse and torture by Mahdi.