THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: E P Jayarajan, the third accused in the assembly ruckus case appeared in the court on Monday. Thiruvananthapuram CJM Court read the charge sheet to Jayarajan. He said that he is denying the charge. He said the case was a planned move by the then government. The case will be considered again on October 26.
The other accused in the case appeared on September 14 and heard the charge sheet read. Jayarajan did not appear on that day citing health issues. The court then directed EP to appear in person when the case is considered today.
The case is that the opposition then incurred a loss of Rs 2.2 lakh by destroying public property while obstructing the budget presentation of K M Mani, the then finance minister in the Oommen Chandy government. The court directed the prosecution to hand over the visuals which is the main evidence in the case.