Kanhangad: The Hosdurg police have booked a case against 8 DYFI activists for destroying an under-construction building and removing a shed at Chaliyam Nayil in Ajanur panchayat, Kanhangad. A case was registered against Lipin from Ittammal, Sujith and Kittu and also 5 others who could be identified. The case was booked under Sections 447, 427, 153 506 (1). The FIR states that the DYFI activists barged into the site and caused a loss worth Rs 50,000 and threatened those who tried to block them.
The building owner V M Razik had lodged a complaint with the police stating the place was not included in the data bank and he had sought the approval of the panchayat for construction work. Razik’s brother Ashraf Kollavayal, who is a Muslim League activist, said the CPM had asked for election fund and since it was not given, they tried to take revenge on him. But this remark was not recorded in the complaint filed against DYFI workers. DYFI dismissed this contention and said they have not asked for any election funds. The DYFI, meanwhile, had taken the signatures of the local people objecting to the construction as it was a paddy land and handed it over to the district collector.
The Youth League and Youth Congress have come against the DYFI action for destroying the foundation at the building site and damaging the shed. They removed the boulders that was put across to block the way to the construction site. The League workers also reached the place for help. The DYFI workers protested over the incident.
Meanwhile, the DYFI workers said that they had protested against the construction as it was being built reclaiming paddy land violating environment laws and wetland rules. There was sand smuggling for building the house and this affected the drinking water and wastewater systems in the surrounding areas.