Beware Of These First Year Marriage Problems

The first year of marriage is often described as the ‘danger period’. This is because, first year marriage problems are many in number and they are mostly critical. If you can survive these major first year marriage problems, only then can you move on to the next stages of marriage.Most of these divorces happen because the newly married couple are not prepared to face the difficult challenges ahead of them. They come to the altar with rosy ideas about marriage and are completely unprepared for the first year marriage problems.Here are some marriage problems to beware of in first marriage.

First year marriage problems to beware of are:

1.Sharing Housework: Defining each others’ roles in your home can cause much friction. Almost all women are working these days and thus housework has to be shared. And a newly married couple goes through hell trying to decide who does the dishes and who dries the laundry.

2.Personal Hygiene: It is only after you are married that you may realise that your partner doesn’t bathe for 3 days in a row, or keeps dirty underwear in the wardrobe. Some of your spouse’s personal habits may seriously gross you out.

3.Financial Issues: You like to spend and he likes to save; there is no way to know each others’ spending habits before marriage. Who pays what share of the expenses is one of the major first year marriage problems to deal with.

4.Being Obsessive: In the first year of marriage, your romance is still fresh. So one partner might get the feeling that his/ her spouse is being obsessive. They might feel that their partner has become clingy after marriage.

5.Lifestyle Differences: Lifestyle differences are causes of serious fights after marriage. Suppose you are used to eating out 3 times a week and your spouse likes healthy home food, then there is bound to be initial hiccups in adjustment.

6.Parental Interference: After getting married you become a part of each others’ family. So you have not only each other but the respective families to deal with. You will invariable find some problem with your in-laws that will filter down to a fight between you two.

7.Boredom: When you are a couple, you go out every day and socialise. But after marriage, you will be spending some uneventful nights at home. The idea of being a ‘boring’ married couple might not appeal to either or both partners.

8.Time With Friends: After marriage, you end up spending all your time with your spouse. It is possible for you to miss the time you spent with friends earlier. In fact, spending too much time with friends may even lead to fights.

9.Drawing The Line: One of the first year marriage problems is that your fights tend to spiral out of control. A newly married couple needs time to understand where to end a fight. Or else, trivial issues lead to serious fights.

10.Ego Wars: When a couple is just married, they both are on their guard. Both partners are reluctant to let go of their egos. It takes time to realise that ego means nothing in a marriage.

11.Feeling Of Being Taken For Granted: Before getting married, you were still courting each other. But after marriage, life is a little lacking in romance. Both partners can feel taken for granted due to this.

These are the first year marriage problems to beware of.