Sebi has been asked by its Appellate Authority to disclose details through RTI on process related to grant of recognition to MCX Stock Exchange, as all such information may not be confidential any more. Hearing an appeal against the market regulator’s denial of information sought through RTI (Right to Information) Act, the Appellate Authority has […]
Hair colouring can be expensive but if you can get all the latest trends at home there’s no reason to spend a bomb on salon services like colouring your tresses. Here are some of the hair colour trends for spring-summer 2014 that you can achieve at home, reports Multi-tonal: From brightly bleached blonde […]
Edapally, Jan 20, 2014: A major fire broke out at Nandilath G-Mart showroom in Edapally on Monday. The mishap happened around 1:45 pm. The cause of the fire is not yet known. The fire force rushed to the spot and ceased the fire.
Breakfast like a king… goes the popular saying, but a recent study from the Research Centre at the Nirmala Niketan College in Mumbai has found that most of us are skipping this important meal. “Skipping breakfast just to lose weight will not solve anything but definitely invite multiple problems such as anorexia nervosa, hair fall, […]
President Barack Obama says smoking pot is no more dangerous than drinking but calls it a “bad idea,” amid a push for legalization in several states. In comments to The New Yorker magazine published Sunday, the US leader also noted that poor minority youths are more likely to get prison time for using marijuana than […]
Actress Nazriya Nazim’s marriage with Fahad Fazil has been fixed by their families. Fahad’s father and director Fazil revealed the news to the media. According to Fazil, it is not a love affair, both families are known to each other and they decided to go ahead with the relationship. Fahad-Nazriya engagement took place on 19th […]
Did Sunanda Pushkar sense that she didn’t have long to live? Pushkar sought the help of Rohit Kochhar, a friend and corporate lawyer, to help her draw up a will about three months ago. At the time, she emphatically told him, “life is uncertain.” She asked me to do so when she was in the […]
In an unprecedented action, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal and his ministers on Monday began a sit-in near India Gate — being readied for Republic Day celebrations — demanding action against police officials for alleged negligence in two crime-related complaints made by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) ministers Somnath Bharti and Rakhi Birla. Defying prohibitory orders […]
Don’t let your desk job make you unhealthy and fat. Here are a few exercises and diet tips to stay fit in spite of a sit-down job Many people complain about this. Increasing stress and inactivity at work leads to weight gain. Here’s what to do… Exercise at your desk For a toned stomach: Sit […]
Tata Consultancy Services is aiming to launch several reusable software packages as part of a push to adapt to the changing business and technology landscape, chief executive & managing director Natarajan Chandrasekaran said. India’s largest software company is readying reusable software platforms, which can be customised, for areas such as telecommunication , financial services and […]