Chennai: Popular Tamil film actor Vijay, amidst speculation that he may make an electoral debut, on Saturday urged students to ask their parents to vote in elections without accepting bribes and see the transformation for themselves.
His passionate appeal appeared to have earned the appreciation from Tamil Nadu Youth Welfare and Sports Development Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin.”He has said a good thing. What’s your problem,” Udhayanidhi shot back when reporters sought for his reaction to Vijay’s appeal.
Felicitating toppers of Classes 10 and 12 from the state at a function in Neelangarai here, Vijay said: “Ask your parents to vote without accepting bribe during the elections. Try, you may succeed and see the change.”
The students who will soon become first-time voters should realise the merits of electing a leader without accepting cash for votes. “When this happens, your education becomes complete,” he said.
Vijay cautioned them “against poking their own eyes with their hands” by accepting money for votes.
“Consider a politician who gives Rs 1,000 to a voter in a constituency that has 1.5 lakh voters. How much he must have given as bribe — nearly 15 crore? If a person gives a bribe of Rs 15 crore, think how much he must have earned before that. I want all this to be a part of your educational system,” the popular actor said as the the students who had gathered gave a rousing applause.
Also, he exhorted the young minds not to stop with acquiring bookish knowledge but go beyond it and learn about all the leaders including B R Ambedkar, E V R Periyar, K Kamaraj and imbue only their good aspects.
“I have one small request to make. Do spend time with those who could not succeed in their exams. Tell them passing in exams is easy and encourage them,” he said.
“Also never take wrong decisions, take bold decisions. As you go up in life, handle the freedom that you get with self-discipline, have fun in life but don’t give up your identity. Our life is in our hands,” Vijay advised.
Unlike the toppers, the actor mentioned that he was never a bright student. “I was not a bright student like you but only an average just pass student. My journey has been in the direction of cinemas…remember, education will be complete only if you give importance to your character and thinking ability,” he added.
His fans association — Thalapathy Vijay Makkal Iyakkam — which transformed into a welfare organisation, contested the 2021 civic polls in the state and won 115 seats out of 169 it contested.