Directed by Ramesh Aravind and produced by Linguswamy, Ulaga Nayagan’s next is titled ‘Uththama Villain’. The film is expected to start rolling from next month and the crew was in frantic search of the apt heroine for the film. Kajal Aggarwal was first approached, but she could not accommodate the film in her calendar and hence backed off.
So the crew zeroed in on Asin as their choice and the actress was readily willing to accept the offer. This makes it the second time that Asin is paired up with Kamal Hassan, taking ‘Dasavatharam’ into account.
‘Uththama Villain’ has the screenplay and dialogues by Crazy Mohan. Kamal is currently busy with ‘Vishwaroopam 2′ and is rushing up with the post production work, as he wishes to get ‘Uththama Villain’ on the floors once ‘Vishwaroopam’ sequel is completely done with.