The NSS also seeks Pakistan to take decisive action against terrorists.”We welcome India’s emergence as a leading global power and stronger strategic and defence partner,” said the National Security Strategy unveiled by President Donald Trump.
The 68-page document said the US will seek to increase quadrilateral cooperation with Japan, Australia, and India.
“We will expand our defence and security cooperation with India, a Major Defence Partner of the United States, and support India’s growing relationships throughout the region,” the NSS said, noting that its vision for Indo-Pacific excludes no nation.
India-US defence relationship was mentioned in the context of Indo-Pacific region, whereas it gave a very prominent role to India in South and Central Asia.
“We will deepen our strategic partnership with India and support its leadership role in Indian Ocean security and throughout the broader region,” according to the NSS which the White House said sets a positive strategic direction for the US that will restore America’s advantages in the world and build upon our country’s great strengths.