Rosshan says, “Due to the recent rains, there were a few changes in our schedule and that affected Amala’s dates. She is a busy actress in Tamil. That is the only reason Amala had to opt out, and so we brought in Priya Anand and she has already started working on the film.”
Meanwhile, Priya says she is excited to be back to Mollywood, and that stepping into the location of Kayamkulam Kochunni is like entering another world in the past. “I have always wanted to do a period film and I was happy when a prestigious project like Kayamkulam Kochunni came my way. What makes it even more special is that it’s with some of the biggest names in Malayalam.” Connecting with her character Janaki has been easy for her, she says, though she is a yesteryear personality. “Except for one thing. It took me a while to get used to my look as Janaki, though it was exciting to get into her avatar. Her story is very much relevant for women everywhere.”
The Rosshan Andrrews – Nivin Pauly film Kayamkulam Kochunni, scripted by Bobby and Sanjay, is going for a major cast replacement. Instead of Amala Paul, who was roped in to play the role of Janaki, Priya Anand has been signed in. The actress, who had debuted in Mollywood with the Prithviraj film Ezra, has started shooting in Mangalore.