Thiruvananthapuram: In the sensational Kadakampally land grab case, the special court on Monday rejected the charge sheet submitted by the CBI. The court rejected the charge sheet as it was found that the 22 people who were named accused in the FIR were missing.
The CBI submitted the charge sheet excluding Salim Raj, after three years of investigation. 27 persons including Salim Raj had been named accused in the case. In June 2015, the CBI had arrested Salim Raj in connection with the case, sparking many political speculations.
The charge sheet filed by CBI indicted only five including Kadakampally former village officer Vidyodaya Kumar, Nisar Ahamed, Suhra Beevi, Rukkiya Bheevi in the case. The Kadakampally case related in grabbing 44.50 acres of prime land in Kadakampally village from its illegitimate owners by falsifying revenue records and by creating fake sales partition deeds.