The verdict in the Reshmi murder case was announced on Thursday by the District and Sessions Court Judge Ashok Menon. Biju Radhakrishnan, main accused in the solar scam, and his mother Rajammal were convicted by the court for killing Reshmi, wife of Biju. The quantum of punishment would be announced on Friday.
The prosecution found that Biju had given excess alcohol to Reshmi and made her unconscious. She was strangulated to death later by Biju and his mother Rajammal.
Reshmi was found lying dead at her house in Kottarakkara on February 4, 2006 and later, it was found to be murder. Biju Radhakrishnan’s son had given a statement against him in connection with the case. A case was also registered against Biju for trying to harass his son for being a witness.
The prosecution felt that Biju had threatened Reshmi and killed her inorder to marry solar case accused Sarita S Nair. The court upheld the charges of murder, dowry harassment, destruction of evidence, harassment of the witness against Biju.
Kollam crime branch DySP C G Suresh Kumarled team probed the case and submitted the chargesheet in the court. Special public prosecutor Adv Mohanraj represented the prosecution while Adv B N Haskar represented the accused in the court.
The ruling was postponed from January 13 to 20 as the judgment was not ready.