The University of Delhi is teaming up with the British High Commission to organise the “Great Debate” — an inter-college debate competition to be held on January 9, 2014.
The winners — two students — will get a week’s “study tour” in the UK in mid-February. As per DU’s announcement, the tour will “include visits to historical sites, cultural cultural events, interaction with experts on a wide range of subjects.”
The registrar’s statement further says that “the objective of this Great Debate is to celebrate the tradition of debate and discussion in Indian and the UK.” The preliminary rounds will be held at the North Campus conference centre on January 9 and, on the same afternoon, five qualifying teams will compete for the top prize at the Vice Regal Lodge before the Vice-Chancellor, the UK High Commissioner and the panel of judges. “To make the debate spontaneous and exciting,” says the statement, “The debate topics will be announced on the university website a day before i.e. on 8th January.”