US to reopen 18 of 19 closed diplomatic missions

Washington: The United States will reopen today its diplomatic missions in 18 out of the 19 US embassies and consulates in the West Asia and North Africa region which were closed due to a terrorist threat. The US embassy in Yemen will remain closed because of security concerns regarding the potential terrorist attacks from Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

The American consulate in Lahore which was closed on Thursday due to a separate threat will also remain closed. US State department spokesperson Jen Psaki said that US Would continue to evaluate the threats to Sanaa and Lahore missions and make subsequent decisions about the reopening of those facilities. She also told that United States will evaluate information about all of its posts and take appropriate measures to protect the safety of the personnel, citizens travelling overseas and visitors to its facilities. Around two dozen US diplomatic posts were closed to the public since last Sunday and US embassy in Yemen capital Sanaa was evacuated on Tuesday due to threat perception. The move was triggered by intercepted message on a conference call between Al Qaeda terrorists about plans for a major terror attack on western embassies in the region.